Convert2Green is at IndTech 2024!

June 5, 2024

Convert2Green is present at IndTech2024 in Namur, Belgium (3 – 6 June)!

As an Open Innovation Test Bed that unites key partners for development, testing and characterization of novel sustainable materials, we couldn’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with European stakeholders from both industry and research.

Come to meet our representatives from AMIRES and KETMarket GmbH today at stand 22 in Halle Al’Chair, at the social event from 7PM – and discuss how we can help you advance your material development!

On behalf of Convert2Green, INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory is also organizing IndTech’s satellite event – 4th OITB Workshop (đź“Ť6 June at 9:00) focused on commercialization of OITB services.

INL joined the conference INDTech2024 to participate in the session “Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB): A New Kid on the Block”. The discussion focused on the role of OITBs as part of the technology infrastructure ecosystem and their crucial contribution to industrial transformation in Europe.

Paula Galvao, Business, and Strategic Relations Chief Officer at INL, underscored the importance of OITBs as “Innovation Powerhouses” and advocated for building durable, policy-independent structures to ensure sustained support for technological industries and SMEs.

Galvão highlighted INL’s involvement in OITB projects like SAFE-N-Medtech, FlexFunction2Sustain, and Convert2Green as examples of successful collaboration with companies across Europe.

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